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The Hunter

CRank: 61Score: 742350

Request: Approve more often + Site Suggestions

Hello, my first blog and this is a kind of a request.

I find it frustrating when many stories are sitting in pending for a long time. And it is even harder when stories already is irrelevant when a event is already ended. Example: You submit a Preview of a match 2-3 hours before the match starts and when the match is ended, you see that your Preview still sitting in pending waiting for approval.. That is so frustrating because you was(well) on time to submit it and then it has a chance to become failed.

Also today, with a huge live event.. I submit a live stream 3 minutes before it was started and it was sitting in pending for 35-40 minutes and then the show was already at the near of the end.

And there are more examples, but I think you understand my point. So, this why I ask everybody on the site who is permitted to approve stories, they will approve stories more often and specially the special stories wich can be "Old" within hours-minutes.

I hope also to see if this happen, the approve-submit rule (3-5) will get increased (e.g: 3-10). Stories with errors must be obviously reported!

Thank you for reading and let's get this site on top!!

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karim5003d ago

I agree,stories take forever to get on the front page.
ANOTHER REQUEST : Check before you approve (report if necessary)

sokrates5003d ago

I agree.

And I have another point:

The stories is better when adding more text then just a line or two. If its just for reading headlines - I can use google.

At least a short resume to get the basics is better.

And, Its ok to think twice before making a report. I admit, I have approved to early some times, but I keep getting better. But sometimes its not clear or very obvious if its an article/interview/(news). And I disagree in many reports, So if you are not sure, or admit that it might be the two things- just dont report (in my opinion).

KingsCross5003d ago

<to make this a quality site, its good that we report when something is done wrong.

I agree that its good if we have some kind of minimum limit for adding text. I have reported short stories some times, but I dont know if that is braking the rules?

The Hunter5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

I cant understand that some people get frustated by a text of 1 or 2 lines.. (Maybe 1 is to short, but 2 is a go for me)

Look, take this for example..

If I post this then I copy the text and not the scores! The text is 2 lines.. The description must be a intro to the real story, because otherwise the link to the source "Read Full Story", will become irrelevant.. Also when I post the scores in the description, makes it no sense anymore to click to the source and that is not the intention of this site.. Because we cover news from football-sites around the world..

zico5002d ago

Please add more text than 1 or 2 lines if there is more than 1 or 2 lines of information. (and often it is).

I prefer to read 1,2 or 3 section of the news at 11x2 and don`t has to go to the "read full story" bottom every time.

rafay5002d ago

Guys do what seems right. we all just want to make this site the best it can be right!!! oh and we need a facebook page i think and a twitter account too. i want to follow news on 11x2 rather than other sites

The Hunter5002d ago

11x2 has a twitter page:

Facebook, I dont know.. But I think they havnt, Im not a facebook user..

rafay5002d ago

Oh we have a twitter page.. didn't know that !

sokrates5002d ago

The best thing for me with 11x2 is to get a resume about what happens due to football, and get some resumes. And if its something that bothers, I can go to the original source and read all. Just the headline and a litle line, I often go the original source- and reads a few more lines: and I know its not of my interest. Like when I read news for a few minutes at work, I cant waste my time cliquing on news that I dont care about, just because I was teased by a headline.

Thats why I want more text: To get the oportunity to seperate what I want to read more about- and the news I dont bother to waste my time on.

And, Agree with Hunter on the approving point. We should all approve stories faster. Then 11x2 will be a genius football site.

MasterGuru5002d ago

We need to make this site the best football page!!

And to do so, we need more traffic!!

The Hunter5002d ago (Edited 5002d ago )

Yeah 11x2.. should do more advertising actions!

A few examples:

1. More advertising on N4G (Not only in the newsection, but also banners, PM advertising, etc..)

2. Twitter and Facebook are a real platform to advertise your site. Example, you make a contest based on twitter, like a quiz + RT (So, your followers see that there is a contest on 11x2, that means more people joins 11x2).

3. 11x2 should partner up with a huge site, I think is a great site for it. has the most stories here on N4G, so can also something do back for 11x2 IMO..

I think the first 2 should can be achieved easy. At the third, there must also be money I think.. But if you look at the long-time, it should be worth of it.. Who's with me?

EDIT: Look this:

7% that is a way to low.. If you see N4G: it has 50% ..

rafay5002d ago

We'll get more popular, it'll take some time. We need to maintain quality.

FootballZilla5002d ago

Should be higher in google ranks so the when news are posted when people are looking for it they will find this site.
I think its a site that you will sympathise pretty good if your a football fan theres a nice atsmothere most the time and nice arguments.

11x2 is one of my fav sites when i turn my laptop and go on the internet one of the first sites i go on ;)

MasterGuru5001d ago

Arguments? Whenever I write something with a lot of words involved someone will reply to me with 20 letters. LETTERS. That's not how it is when I was on N4G.

The Hunter5001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

This make me frustated, I cant submit stories ATM, because the submit-approve rule.. It is very onactive, nearly no stories coming in pending so I can approve, and if it does it has errors, come on people.. I want the site on a bigger level.

Also there are stories now that are sitting for like 18 hours now with no reports.. This must be changed quickly and I want the 3-5 rule removed. Only then the site gets been inflated with a lot of news stories.. Its dead now..

FootballZilla5001d ago (Edited 5001d ago )

Yeah sometimes im looking to submit some stories but i cant because i need to approve 3 and there isnt none, if i didnt put any stories out then you couldnt put any either because you have to approve someones same with me.

11x2 isnt dead compare it to other newsboiler sites only n4g oviously gets more comments on the news.

kulka4994d ago

There should be a price for activeness on the website for commenting reading etc

sokrates5001d ago

If people submit stories and approve, problem is solved. Isnt it? Problem is when nobody submits, and nobody approves. Then the 3-5 rule is good to prevent those who just dont approve, because they dont want other people to win the contests. I think it works better already, but I see the point that its frustrating if its been a long - and its only your news on pending, nothing to approve- and you need to approve to submit more news...:)

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